Bleach is definitely one of the most popular animated tv series or manga. The plot follows the adventures of a teenager called Ichigo Kurosaki who becomes a Soul Reaper and assumes the duties of the Soul Reaper Rukia Kuchiki. Now the latest installment for the Bleach series is the Episode 200. I just love watching Bleach. In the latest episode 200, entitled as the The Hardest Body!? Cut Down Nnoitra. Watch Bleach Episode 200 Online.
Labels: Cartoons
Watch Gossip Girl Season 2 Episode 14 Online. The gossip girl season 2 episde 14 is entitle In the Realm of the Basses. Now, in this episode of Gossip girl Chuck's downward spiral continues with a bender in Bangkok and an incident at school, and we'll be introduced to his uncle, Jack Bass.
Labels: Entertainment
Legend has it that the Myths of the Anak ni Kulapo(Son of Kulapu) and its legendary, fantastic, folk tale story, lore, saga, fabulous, and mythical powers of His gas or fart is so great, colossal, enormous, extreme, immense, strong, terrible, tremendous, famous paramount, and brutal. LOL! This amazing powers of his were passed into him by his father which also one of greats in farting. If you wanted to see the legend of him, go to his site mentioned above. One of his sample fart post is his Win $$$ Join Sikatchupoy Contest! which will give his readers like me a chance to receive a great Christmas gift this holiday season. YEY! I hope i win!
Labels: Contest
Watch House Season 5 Episode 10 Let Them Eat Cake. A fitness guru known for her "natural" lifestyle collapses while shooting an infomercial. Meanwhile, Thirteen participates in a clinical drug trial for Huntington's Disease led by Foreman; Kutner operates an online medical-advice clinic under House's name; and Cuddy moves into House's office while hers is being repaired, much to House's dismay. Watch House Season 5 Episode 10 Let Them Eat Cake Free Streaming Online
Labels: Entertainment
Watch Dexter Season 3 Episode 10 Online Video Free. Dexter feels like he’s making a deal with the devil when he feigns civility around Miguel after Miguel's duplicitous ways as he finds himself in a series of chess-like moves against his former friend, all while hoping that Miguel doesn’t get the upper hand on him. Meanwhile, Dexter watches helplessly as Miguel draws Rita closer through a wonderful wedding gift. Debra, now back with Anton after his close call with the Skinner, wonders if her relationship with Anton is worth putting her career in jeopardy; after all, is it smart for everyone to know that she is dating a former confidential
informant? Watch Dexter Season 3 Episode 10 Online Video Free
Labels: Entertainment
Football fanatics around the world, this is a good news. As the SuperBowl comes, teams battle it out for the hopes of reaching the coveted Superbowl. American Football League (AFL) teams and the National Football Conference (NFC) will be having a tough games ahead. So tuning in for everygame is important. Watch NFL Game Live Coverage Online
Labels: Sports
Did you expect her to win? or not? Well she is the big winner of the eleventh cycle of America's Next Top Model.
Mckey competed against thirteen other contestants to win Cycle 11 of America's Next Top Model. She came into the competition with a red long hair but was later given a short black hair makeover, which embossed her striking unique face. LOL! In the competition, she became one of the front-runners with two collective first call-outs and and won two challenges until she won the Finale.
Labels: Babes
Watch Heroes Season 3 Episode 10 Online, the latest episode from the ever popular Heroes series, entitled "the Eclipse, part 1" is now ready.The episode overview, The dark eclipse plays havoc with the heroes' powers. Arthur orders Elle and Sylar to bring in Claire. Hiro, Ando, and Matt follow Daphne to her hometown to learn what hold Arthur has on her, and Peter and Nathan travel to the Haitian's hometown to recruit him for the war with Pinehearst.Watch Heroes Season 3 Episode 10 Online.
Labels: Entertainment
The upcoming fight between Ricky Hatton vs Paulie Malignaggi will be for the IBF Light Welterweight title. Now this fight is very interesting to watch as both men have only 1 defeat. Hatton on the betting card is - 265 and Malignaggi is +205. Watching Ricky Hatton vs Paulie Malignaggi Video Online is much easier.
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Labels: Sports
Basketball Fanatics and NBA fans... If you want to watch live NBA Games online, then you have come to the right place. Watching your Favorite NBA team can be so easy. Whether you missed a game or just right in time, here is a good place for you. Watch NBA Game Live Online
Labels: Sports
Watch Heroes Season 3 Episode 9 "It's Coming" Online.. As usual, Heroes tv series delivers the excitement for us. Just got this one from the network. Im just so excited to share this one to you. Watch Heroes Season 3 Episode 9 Online
Labels: Tv
Watch Prison Break Season 4 Episode 11 Online. This is it. Its an advance screening. Just got one from the network. In this episode, titled Quiet Riot, Michael races against time and his ailing health to break into the Company headquarters to steal Scylla, but the break-in's success lies with Sucre. Gretchen dresses up for a meeting with the General and one final attempt to get the last card key.Watch Prison Break Season 4 Episode 11 Online
Labels: Tv
Watch Greys Anatomy Season 5 episode 8 Full Online. Just got the video from the Network so i think this is it. In this episode, One of Meredith's oldest friends, Sadie, becomes an intern at Seattle Grace, but Mer's friends are less than welcoming to her. Watch Greys Anatomy Season 5 episode 8 Full Online
Labels: Tv
The Episode is named as Seth Green Day. In this episode Charlie gets his pilot script picked up, but when the studio wants to cast Seth Green - Eric's arch-nemesis - Eric must cast aside his personal feelings. Vince is upset that Verner, the director of "Smokejumpers," continues to drag his character down, but Verner thinks that Vince is the one with the problem. Ari and Lloyd give Andrew Klein a Hollywood makeover so he can impress Babs, but when she is disrespectful, Ari has had enough.
Labels: Tv
Watch Knight Rider 2008 Season 1 Episode 7 online. In this Episode, "I Wanna Rock & Roll All Knight" A criminal couple with congressional ties threatens to reveal the secrets of Knight Industries. I just Love watching Knight Rider 2008
Labels: Tv
Barack and Michelle Obama's daughters, they are the new first daughters. Malia is 10 while Sasha is 7, they are still young girls that play a crucial role during their dads campain for the US Presidential election.
Now that their dad is the President elect of the United States, Sasha and Malia Obama have given up their privacy along their normal life and become a public figure. At a young age, both girls will be going to a new life, from school, new house, and new place. According to reports, Barack and Michelle Obama is still figuring it out where the two kids will school. Some suggest that they should go to Public schools, some said to private. Either of the two choices, life for Sasha and malia Obama will never be the same again.
Labels: People
Long time ago, telephone was invented to help people communicate from a distant place. The poeple around the telephone business put lot of wiring to reach the other side of the telephones. The telephone was really a big help to people who wanted to talk to others in a distant place. Many poeple loved the telephone that many people wondered, how bout if we can put these telephone to our pocket and go places. Now, that idea has come true. In today world, communication is a necessity and cellphone to our pockets was the answer.
Now the new question to our mind is, what will be the cellphone of the future? Would it be a hologram? Would it be a part of the clothing like in the X-men which you just press a button? Would it be a wristwatch?
Well with the advancing of the technology in todays era, anything is possible. Just like the Nokia 888. Dubbed as the Cellphone of the future and can shaped as anything just like a paper.
It is said that the Nokia 888 uses liquid battery, with speech recognition, and flexible touch screen. The touch sensitive body cover lets it understand and adjust to the actions you take. Sometimes the sensitivity Form follows function and follows and follows and followsis positively eerie! When the phone rings, the Nokia 888 forms itself into the shape of a phone. You can personalize these forms and record them. So it fits you the best and makes your brother crazy. It’s like the feeling of having an electronic pet, or maybe a butler. As it senses your moves, it understands what you want, and responds to you in the way you love. It learns you, and learns to fit you better.
Labels: Tech
The upcoming fight between Kelly "the Ghost" Pavlik versus Bernard "the Executioner" Hopkins will be one of the biggest this year. Pavlik coming from a win when he defended his Middleweight championship against Gary Lockett, but the champion Pavlik demolished him. Now Pavlik will be fighting the former two division champion Hopkins on October 18, 2008. Hopkins is coming from a defeat from Joe Calzaghe. Hopkins will be in the ring looking to bounce back from that defeat. The fight will be held at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, New Jersey which will be televised live on HBO Pay-Per-View. Watch Kelly Pavlik vs Bernard Hopkins Live Free Streaming Online.
If you are looking for a Free Nintendo DSi Game Download then you have come to the right place. The Nintedo DSi is a new and improve DS game which Nintendo added some new fetures from the predecessor the Nintendo DS. The Nintendo DSi is said to be more cooler and can now compete with the other Handeld game. Now, looking for a Nintendo DSi Games Free Download will be much easier. The hunt is on.
Labels: Tech
If you are looking for an Emo FriendsterLayout then you have come to the right place. I have here the latest Emo FriendsterLayout that you can apply to your own personal friendster profile or friendster page.
I am an Emo too which love black color and about love. With this new Emo FriendsterLayout it will show your personality and will meet other emos too. Hunting for Emo FreindsterLayout is so easy.
Labels: Daily Life
I know most anime fans and fanatics know Misa Amane of Happy Sweets from the Anime The Death note. For you guys that dont know Misa Amane, here is for you. Misa is one of the character at the Anime series the Deathnote which portraits a gothic, cute little girl who happens to host one of the most viewed tv show, the Happy Sweet.
Misa Amane happens also to be the second Kira, the other holder of a deathnote. The other holder of the deathnote is Light Yagami where Misa have an immense crush on him. Also in the story, Misa devotes herself to Light because he killed her parents' murderer after several trials had failed to convict him.
Labels: Babes
A new hunt has been made; it’s a new hunt for the hottest babe on the Philippines. KC Concepcion have been selected for The HUNT blog.
Maria Kristina Cassandra Cuneta Concepcion was born April 7, 1985, populary known as KC Concepcion, is a Filipina actress, stage actress and commercial model. KC Conception is the daughter of the Megastar Sharon Cuneta and Gabby Concepcion. Sharon Cuneta being the megastar with so much talent, has passed all her talent to her daughter KC Concepcion, not just in acting and singing but also her looks. KC Conception really is one of the hottest and rising star in the Philippine show business. Right now the Hunt blog rank KC Concepcion in the top ten most hottest, talented and beautiful young lady in the country.
Labels: Babes
When you say ouch, this would make a new meaning to it. The result would be OOOOUUUUCCCHHHH! LOL!

Labels: Funny
Hunting for the hottest girl is now on a mission. For the the latest buzz in hunting for the Hottest woman is the New Bond Girl, Olga Kurylenko. Olga is a Ukrainian actress that is so hot which James Bond cant resist to have her in his latest movie the Quantum of Solace. So if your are looking for the Olga Kurylenko pictures and Olga Kurylenko Wallpaper, here it is. Enjoy.
Labels: Babes
How about Freindsterlayout, Freindsterthemes, Freindstergraphics? I just updated my profile and i just love the way it looks. I took me a couple of days looking for the best graphics for my profile. Good thing my hardwork pays off. Now my friends will amaze on where i got my Freindsterlayout, Freindsterthemes, Freindstergraphics.
Guys? do you love freindster? If you do, i think we should support the freindster staff. And no to other social networks. If you wanted to have a new layouts, themes, graphics and codes for your freindster, then look for my updates. I will be posting it here soon.
Labels: Internet
The Netherlands team currently is still in the race for the top spot at the Beijing Olympics Medal tally Rank. A;ready with a 1 gold and still at the early rounds of the olympics, the Netherlands team is still expecting some medals to grab and added to the medal tally. For the latest Netherlands Olympic Medal Tally Update and result, check our updates regularly.
Labels: Sports
The hunt for the gold medal in the Beijing Olympic Medal tally is still going on. The South Korea Olympic Team is still on the race to the top spot at the Beijing Olympics Medal Tally Count. Currently the Korean team have five gold and is currently third in the race. I expect a great competition these coming days. So if you want to get the latest South Korea 2008 Olympics Medal Tally Count Update, check for our Updates everyday.
Labels: Sports
Hunting for a free download psp games is cool especially for avid psp gamers. Why? Because its free! That's it! We hand held gamers are very ecstatic to have a new game for our psp gadget. It cam all the way down from the game boy, game and watch, tamagochi and other handheld gaming gadgets.
In this time of fast, cheap, small and modern time of Technology, the new handheld platform is the console from Sony, its the PSP or Playstation Portable. Its just like having a Playstation2 at my hand. The realease of PSP gadget, triggers all geeks and gamers to get their own PSP. Now i know many of us already have the PSP, the question is hot to get a free PSP game? the asnwer is simple, PSP Games Free Download. Once you have downloaded a game, you will feel the urge of getting other PSP games and download it right away.
Labels: Tech
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Labels: Privacy Policy

On Saturday, Pacquiao is on the verge of becoming the first Asian boxer to win four titles in different weight classes. He will also be the first Filipino to win a Lightweight championship, and firstFIlipino to win 4 titles in a different weight category.
I know winning this fast is difficult. The pressure is their for Pacquiao. Being ahead on the odds as well as the pressure on winning this one. The whole country is expecting you to win this one but also the whole world. Being the number pound for pound of today, is also a big feat for Manny. Everybody expect him to win. The Hunt for the 4th title is on and be place as a worlds best fighter and a hall of Famer.
Labels: Sports
To hunt for a job needs a very careful plan in order to have a good and high paying career in the future. It all starts from their college life until the graduation day. From the beginning of every person’s college life, everyone should think first what he or she wanted to become in the future, what he wanted to do and most of all what does he love the most. After choosing what career to pursue, the person should prepare for it. Every person should not take for granted their college life. He must study hard so that in the future, he can get the job that he wanted the most.
To hunt for a job, every person should always look good personally and in the resume, as well as to their application letter. He or she must prepare the most informative and clear resume. Talk to the interviewee with confident, always do your best and most off all believe in yourself.
Labels: Daily Life
In today’s ever changing world, more and more people are born every single minute. The world gets bigger every minute and looks like there is no stopping it from being crowded. As the population gets bigger, there are new and unknown diseases that hits the humanity. New, improved and deadly. Well, i don't want to scare you but this is true.
Have you ever heard of Influenza? Bird Flue? SARS? Those are the famous, new and deadly diseases that hits the humanity. Take note, these disease occurred only these past few years and i will not be surprise of a new and deadly disease will come in the near future.
With the ever changing technology in todays world, many innovations and medical breakthrough have been discovered. These medical breakthrough have been use to combat illness and diseases that previous medicines can't cure. I believe that new and improve disease will still come our way and will have its havoc to humanity. And the cure for some diseases is still on.
Labels: health
Treasure hunting is very popular for everybody. Treasure hunting is mostly a form of hunting for jewelry, hunting for treasure or to look for something valuable such as jewelry, gems, gold and precious items.
Everybody seems to be familiar with this thing. There are even stories from our childhood days when our parents told us some treasure stories. The most popular stories of treasure hunting would be the story of the Treasure Island. Who can forget this story where a pirate and a parrot is the main character of the story? There is also the story of Yamashita Treasure or even the story of the Golden Buddha where most people said that these stories were true.
Well, these stories of treasure hunting make us all wonder, what if you will find a treasure? Who could ever resist this fortune? Surely all of us want to find a treasure, and wants to have a dream of our life.
Labels: Treasure Hunting

A gold medal generally represents the highest award for achievement in this sporting event. Every winner takes pride of this award. But in order to get this highest award in any sports, you have to deal with lot of hard works, trainings, competitions and so on. To achieve this dream every athlete must must push their limit in order to win a gold medal.
Here in the Philippines, athletes have no luck in this quest. Decades have past and still have no luck. Why? Heres my view; The reason why the Philippines didn't win a single Gold medal is that there is no Government support. Athletes try their best in their respective sports but doesn't have enough equipment, doesn't have enough supplies, foods, and so on. Now, the government should help our athletes because they put their life, body at the line just to give us pride and honor for our country. If government only support our athletes, then hunting for Gold Medal is easy.
Labels: Sports
Now Why does this blog titled "The HUNT"? Ofcourse this blog is dedicated for hunting. Every thing that is related to hunting. It may be Hunting for Money, hunting for food, hunting for dreams and so on.
Why hunt? Well, hunting is a way for pursuing something that you want. This blog is my way of hunting what i want.
Labels: Blogging