If you are looking for an Emo FriendsterLayout then you have come to the right place. I have here the latest Emo FriendsterLayout that you can apply to your own personal friendster profile or friendster page.
I am an Emo too which love black color and about love. With this new Emo FriendsterLayout it will show your personality and will meet other emos too. Hunting for Emo FreindsterLayout is so easy.
Labels: Daily Life
I know most anime fans and fanatics know Misa Amane of Happy Sweets from the Anime The Death note. For you guys that dont know Misa Amane, here is for you. Misa is one of the character at the Anime series the Deathnote which portraits a gothic, cute little girl who happens to host one of the most viewed tv show, the Happy Sweet.
Misa Amane happens also to be the second Kira, the other holder of a deathnote. The other holder of the deathnote is Light Yagami where Misa have an immense crush on him. Also in the story, Misa devotes herself to Light because he killed her parents' murderer after several trials had failed to convict him.
Labels: Babes
A new hunt has been made; it’s a new hunt for the hottest babe on the Philippines. KC Concepcion have been selected for The HUNT blog.
Maria Kristina Cassandra Cuneta Concepcion was born April 7, 1985, populary known as KC Concepcion, is a Filipina actress, stage actress and commercial model. KC Conception is the daughter of the Megastar Sharon Cuneta and Gabby Concepcion. Sharon Cuneta being the megastar with so much talent, has passed all her talent to her daughter KC Concepcion, not just in acting and singing but also her looks. KC Conception really is one of the hottest and rising star in the Philippine show business. Right now the Hunt blog rank KC Concepcion in the top ten most hottest, talented and beautiful young lady in the country.
Labels: Babes
When you say ouch, this would make a new meaning to it. The result would be OOOOUUUUCCCHHHH! LOL!

Labels: Funny
Hunting for the hottest girl is now on a mission. For the the latest buzz in hunting for the Hottest woman is the New Bond Girl, Olga Kurylenko. Olga is a Ukrainian actress that is so hot which James Bond cant resist to have her in his latest movie the Quantum of Solace. So if your are looking for the Olga Kurylenko pictures and Olga Kurylenko Wallpaper, here it is. Enjoy.
Labels: Babes
How about Freindsterlayout, Freindsterthemes, Freindstergraphics? I just updated my profile and i just love the way it looks. I took me a couple of days looking for the best graphics for my profile. Good thing my hardwork pays off. Now my friends will amaze on where i got my Freindsterlayout, Freindsterthemes, Freindstergraphics.
Guys? do you love freindster? If you do, i think we should support the freindster staff. And no to other social networks. If you wanted to have a new layouts, themes, graphics and codes for your freindster, then look for my updates. I will be posting it here soon.
Labels: Internet