House Lockdown Season 6 Episode 17 Stream Online

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Watch House Lockdown Season 6 Episode 17 Stream Online. When a baby lost in a hospital, somebody should take an action and find that missing baby. But what about the security? Well, just watch it in the new episode of the House Lockdown Season 6 Episode 17. In this episode, When a newborn disappears from the nursery, Princeton Plainsboro goes on lockdown, preventing anyone from entering, leaving or moving within the hospital. While House and his team members are trapped in various parts of the building, new insights about the team's personal histories, relationships and regrets surface. The House Lockdown S06E17 broadcasts on Monday, April 12, 2010 8:00 PM-9:00 PM EST on FOX network. Watch House Lockdown Season 6 Episode 17 Stream Online.